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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that the nervous system controls all of the body’s cells, tissues, organs, and systems. Any disturbance in the nervous system due to stress (ie physical, emotional and chemical) will cause problems in the body’s health balance. The philosophy, art and science of chiropractic revolve around preserving homeostasis (balance) of the human body and its natural self-healing capacity. It doesn’t concentrate only on symptoms and pain, but also tries to identify and treat the cause of the problem

Does Adjustment Hurt?

The adjustment should be pain-free, although sometimes there is a soreness similar to a good workout. Children, only a few hours old, are adjusted safely. We adjust numerous practice members ranging in age from birth to 95!

Can Patients With Osteoporosis Get Chiropractic Care?

Yes! When developing a care plan, our chiropractors consider the unique circumstances of each patient. There are many ways to adjust the spine. The technique selected will be best suited to your age, size and health

How Safe Is Chiropractic For A Child?

Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of children’s health care. A chiropractor does not adjust a baby or a child the same way as he or she adjusts an adult. A baby’s spine is very supple during the first few months of life, so the doctor of chiropractic applies only a slight pressure to make an adjustment. For older children whose spine is still made of mainly cartilage, slight pressure followed by a gentle push is all that is required to put the vertebra back in place.

Can I Adjust Myself?

No. Since a chiropractic adjustment is a specific force, applied in a specific direction to a specific joint, it is virtually impossible to adjust oneself safely, correctly and accurately. It is possible to turn or bend or twist in certain ways to create a “popping” sound that sometimes accompanies a chiropractic adjustment. Unfortunately, this type of joint manipulation is usually counterproductive, often making an already unstable spine even more unstable, and can sometimes be dangerous. Adjusting the spine is not for amateurs!

Why Do Chiropractors Take X-rays?

Chiropractors take X-rays to reveal the internal structure and alignment of the spine. We are also concerned about underlying disease processes and disorders of the spine such as spinal deterioration, arthritis of the spine, abnormal development, bone spurs, disc disorders, tumors and spinal curvature. X-rays also provide a blueprint for correcting the spine back to optimal health and alignment.

What Is An Adjustment?

A specific, non-invasive “thrust” delivered by the hand or using a specialized instrument. It is fast and not painful. The purpose of the adjustment is to remove nerve interference in your body.

What Are The Conditions We Can Help?

Headaches Neck and Back pain “Slipped Disc” Degenerative and Painful Joints Numbness/ Tingling/ Spondylosis Sports Injuries Wrist/ Elbow/ Shoulder pain Ankle/ Knee/ Hip Pain Poor Posture Stiffness Babies/ Children/ Seniors Accidents/ Trauma

Is It Ok To See A Chiropractor If I’m Pregnant?

Any time is a good time for a better functioning nerve system. Pregnant mothers find that chiropractic adjustments help with pregnancy discomforts, like sciatica, improve their pregnancy and make delivery easier for themselves and their baby.

Can A Person Who Had Back Surgery See A Chiropractor?

Yes. It’s an unfortunate fact that more than half of those who had spinal surgery discover a return of their original symptoms months or years later. They then face the prospect of additional surgery. This too common occurrence is known as “failed back surgery syndrome.” Chiropractic may help prevent repeated back surgeries. In fact, if chiropractic care is used initially, back surgery can often be avoided in the first place.

How Effective Is Chiropractic Care For Children?

Chiropractors have been providing safe and effective care for children for more than 103 years. Without efficacy, parents would have long ceased to seek out a doctor of chiropractic for their children. A 1992 survey showed that the most common conditions for which children visit a chiropractor are: earaches, neck pain, check-up, headache, upper respiratory, low back pain, allergies, asthma, enuresis, and thoracic pain.

Can I Tell If I Have A Subluxation/ Misalignment ?

Not always. A subluxation is like a dental cavity—you may have it for a long time before symptoms appear. That’s why periodic spinal checkups are so important. Although it may be possible to know you have a subluxation, it is rarely possible to be sure you don’t. Regular spinal checkups are always a good idea, and they promote good health from the inside out.

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