About us

A Few Words About  Us

Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Asia Chiropractic and Wellness Singapore (ACWS)emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big surge in the popularity of our wellness center.

For some, Asia Chiropractic and Wellness Singapore (ACWS) will take them back to a place that is cozy and familiar, offering a rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the journey may offer a new center, one never before experienced.


People are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health. As a patient at Asia Chiropractic and Wellness Singapore, we will personally tailor a wellness program specifically targeted to your wellness needs using the least invasive yet highly-effective techniques and services.

Our Mission

Our aim is to provide chiropractic treatment and education to as many individuals and families as possible to pursue optimal health and wellness using a drug-free alternative.

Our Values

Health – optimal health and wellness for all
Awareness – increase spinal health education and awareness in the population
Empowerment – provide the tools for individuals to heal, strength and maintain their spinal health

Our Vision

Have Singapore incorporate chiropractic care as a primary-healthcare alternative following suit of many other countries. Chiropractic care becomes a part of every Singaporeans’ lifestyle and spinal health education promotes a natural drug-free way back to optimal health.

Our Team

Bio Picture

Melisa Hon

Webster practitioner

Melisa Hon graduated from Murdoch University, Western Australia with a double degree in Bachelor of Science (Chiro) and Bachelor of Chiropractic. Before moving to Singapore, she spent more than 10 years in Australia studying and working. She is currently practicing at Burlington Square (Bugis/Rochor) and enjoys serving community of Singapore.


She believes in treating the “whole” person, not just symptoms, but the root of the problem.  Most things each of us encounters daily will have an effect on our spines and thus our nervous system. She provides various non- drug alternative treatment methods to ensure optimal spinal healing, strength and function.


When she was in Australia, she used to work for Sports Medicine Australia covering various of events. She used to work closely with a few football clubs in Perth as a sports trainer for several years.


Beside specialising in sports injuries, she is passionate about working with families and children. She has certificate in Sports injury and rehabilitation,  Active Release Technique (ART), Dry needling, Kinesiotape, Paediatric chiropractic, Pregnancy and Sacro- Occipital Technique (SOT). She believes in the importance of continuing education to provide Singapore community with the latest and most up to date information and care.

Lim Aun Quin


Lim Aun Quin graduated with Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Chiropractic from the International Medical University of Malaysia. She decided to pursue her studies in Chiropractic after benefiting from it and wants others to experience the same results.


She strongly believes in the body’s innate capability to heal itself and Chiropractic care can enhance the healing process. She prioritises treating the body as a whole and eliminating the root cause, rather than just treating the symptoms.
She is committed to lead her patients towards optimal health and empowering them with the knowledge to take control of their health and lives through chiropractic care.

We specialise in the treatment of:

  • Headaches
  • Lower Back pain
  • Neck and Upper back pain
  • Slipped Disc
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Stress
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Pregnancy
  • Plantar Fasciltis
  • Motor Vehicle Accident(MVA)
  • and Many More…
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
  • Colic
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Frozen Shoulder

What our clients Say

Before seeing Dr Melisa at Asia Chiropractic and Wellness , I used to suffer from constant neck stiffness and lower back pain for years. I always thought having aches and pains is part and parcel of life.  After a few months of intensive chiropractic care,  not only my stiffness has lessened, i am having minimal lower back pain and my over flexibility has improved. Thanks Dr Mel and Team.

Mr Tang

Trader, 24 years old

I used to suffer from migraine a few times a week and daily neck and back aches and pains which do not go away. Due to the pain, I am taking one day at a time. I have no quality time with my kids and always have to take time off from them to rest every now and then. My headache and back pain intensity and frequency have improved significantly after a few months of chiropractic care. Most importantly, the quality of sleep has improved and i am more well rested compared to before. My daily routine has become a lot easier and i am able to get more things done. Generally, i am happier and more grounded.

Thanks Dr Mel for your help.



I used to have constant tinging sensation and numbness on my right cheek especially after my night shift. My neck is always stiff. My posture is bad, whenever i stand upright i noticed my right shoulder is lower than left shoulder.  I have difficulty turning my neck to both sides and experienced occasional right arm numbness and weakness. Beside neck stiffness and pain,  i suffered from chronic lower back pain from sports injuries over the years. As a result, all these symptoms have been affecting my activity daily living. I felt lack of energy most of the time and demotivation. My overall health has improved. I am having lesser headaches/ migraines which i thought is normal after my night shift due to lack of sleep. My right arm numbness has gone and strength is back to normal. Right cheek numbness and tingling sensation is minimal and continue to improve. Overall flexibility has improved especially my neck and back. I am happier now and i would like to thank Dr Melisa of Asia Chiropractic and Wellness for taking great care of my health and wellness.

Ms. S. Chong


I used to suffer lower back pain and muscles pull especially around my waist area. I wasn’t able to stand up to walk after sitting down for a period of time and walking too long distance was a chore.  After years of chiropractic care, my lower back pain has reduced significantly. I am able to sleep well throughout the night and my concentration has improved. I noticed I have more strength especially carrying same heavy stuff. On top of that, I am able to walk longer especially during shopping and doing housework. Thus in view of above improvements, I can now have better health. Thank You  Dr Melisa!

Madam Ng

Thank you Dr Melisa for her care and help to rid me of my back discomfort!


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